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Red Army Ferry

Zhuo water area  2017/7/3  

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As one of two ferries of ancient Apeng River, Red Army Ferry was once a comprehensive ferry for transportation between two banks, which played an irreplaceable role on the development of Zhuoshui Town. In May, 1934, Commander He Long (1896-1969) and Commissar Guan Xiangying (1902-1946) of the third army of Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army (1928-1937) led the third red army to cross the Apeng River and rush to raid Pengshui County, with the support of people of Zhuoshui Town. The story becomes an indelible red memory of Zhuoshui Town. Now, the ferry no longer serves as a trading hub, and every year during Dragon Boat Festival, Zhuoshui Town holds large-scale dragon boat race. Thus, the ferry becomes a ferry of dragon boats.

